Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rachel Dolezal - Free Agent

In the Racial Draft of 2015 - Rachel Dolezal is not drafted. Not by anyone. Free Agent and still available.

Nothing Designated.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Game of Thrones rant about Loras Tyrell

-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Spoiler Alert-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

If you have not seen Game of Thrones TV show Season 5 Episode 6, first run aired on HBO on 17 May 2015; please do not read any further. If you do; you are polluting your experience with spoilers. What I have to say relates directly to the latest episode. Be warned. I am not reasonable for your actions beyond this point.

-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Spoiler Alert-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

And the thing that stuck out the most is that Loras is referred to as a gay cartoon. The real crux of the matter is; Loras is the only worthwhile gay character in the Game of Thrones storyline right now.

       First I will do some disclaimers. I am not gay. I in no way speak for the gay community. I have very few friends none of which are gay. That is by circumstance not design. I do know gay people. I interact with gay people with no problem. I bear no ill will toward homosexuals or homosexuality. I don’t want to come off as something I am not hence this disclaimer

         Second disclaimer. I have not read one word of any of the books in the series A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF). I have read things on wikis which I acknowledge is not reliable. My main source for ASOIAF information is . I have heard things on podcasts and from other Game of Thrones (GoT) TV Series fans. But I don't have knowledge derived directly from the books. I don't plan on reading the books either. I am a TV series only fan. Once again this shows my perspective on this issue.

    Now that is out of the way; I have seen Loras in a completely different light than some. From the first season on he has shown his cunning. He has shown he is smart. He has shown he is an able fighter in battle. And hopefully I will show he has shown something more important that I will try and demonstrate throughout this post.

    He has shown he is willing to be a player in this Game of Thrones. How much of a player is he? Not too much. But he does not want a lot. He doesn’t want all the power. He wants something a lot simpler. Still Loras is in the game. Just as a strong pawn not a knight or rook. Of course keep in mind a pawn can win the game.

    As for his storyline's strength; I suspect Loras has more screen time in GoT then is warranted by his story in ASOIAF. Once again I have not read the books. But the producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (B&W) have made Loras into something more than his character in the books. As in ASOIAF, Loras is a pawn in this game the producers are playing too. Using him in ways that are important.

    We have seen plenty of characters get cut from GoT. Most of the Greyjoys. The Griffs, Young and Old. Countless others are cut and their importance (if any) is melded into other characters. Some storylines are cut all together since they don’t fit into the end game as George R.R. Martin has allowed B&W to craft. B&W are basically making GoT into fan fiction of ASOIAF. The books may have a lot of differing facts. We know that Sansa’s storyline is vastly different more than just being morphed into Jeyne Poole/Fake Arya’s fate. My point; plenty of characters don’t make the cut in GoT.

In the Tyrell family particularly; two older brothers are cut out of GoT. Willas the heir to Highgarden is not in GoT. Neither is Garlan who has more of a claim than Loras in ASOIAF. Loras is regarded as the heir to Highgarden in GoT. Assuming that Willas and Garlan simply do not exist. Doesn't that give Loras more stature from the start? I believe that the High Lord of the Reach has more importance in the storyline than his sexuality no matter how he is depicted on screen. Loras is there for a reason.

    Tywin and Olenna use Loras to maneuver their own positions in this Game of Thrones. That is only possible because he is the heir to Highgarden. Otherwise he is insignificant if he was a third son as he is in ASOIAF. I know this isn't direct screen time for Loras but it is equally important. He is not a POV character in ASOIAF so what happens to Loras is told through the eyes & words of others anyway. His worth is determined by what and how he is mentioned. Same here regarding Loras’ worth in GoT.

    Cersei has conversations about Loras with Tywin, Jaime and Tyrion when their own pending nuptials are discussed. Loras is interesting enough to be used in GoT as a pawn. Discussed by the Lannisters; one of the main families in the struggle. That seems more important than his sexuality.

    After the Battle of Blackwater; Loras really should have gone back to Highgarden. He wasn't needed to guard Margaery Tyrell singly. He does serve as loyal companion to Margaery. Also a "possible" suitor to Sansa after she is disregarded by Joffrey and before she is wed to Tyrion. I think his discussion with Sansa about a wedding is probably the most cartoonish depiction of Loras.

    Ultimately Loras stays in King's Landing because of Love. In fact, Loras is the manifestation of positive gay love in the show. Bear with me as I try to demonstrate what I mean.

            Loras stays with Queen Margaery because he loves her very much. Not like Jaime and Cersei Lannister’s sibling love. But Loras does want all the best for his sister. Loras does not seem to have any real ambition of his own. But he is always ready to help his loved ones fulfill their own ambitions. He will do the maximum to make sure that it happens. For Margaery; that means helping her become queen.

            Loras also loves Renly Baratheon. Loras encourages Renly to fulfill his maximize potential. Loras pushes Renly to make a claim to the throne. Loras forms the alliance with his family to back that claim.

            Well before the War of the 5 Kings; Loras loves Renly. Not just sexually. Loras feels a true affection for Renly. That is why he works so hard for him. Loras shows the audience a true and fundamental love between two men.

That is something that B&W could have easily skipped over. B&W could have treated gay sex as just sex. But Loras and Renly’s relationship forces Love into the equation. These two men Love each other. This is an important issue.

Keeping in mind; ASOIAF began in the 1990s. It was not popular to talk about gay sex back then. Less popular to talk about gay love. Now GoT can deal with that. Loras is the ongoing embodiment of both.

Now most gay characters are depicted as hedonists in other venues. Would that be so horrible here? Have Loras be depicted as the most important gay man in the realm. Wouldn’t there be some merit in that?

I say that in a realm that had so many vices on display. Littlefinger is famous and rich because of brothels. Tyrion is famous for going to brothels. Also famous for his drinking like his sister Cersei. The queen turned queen mother is famous for her own incest with her brother and debauchery with Lancel Lannister, Robert Baratheon and others. So vice is hardly something to be shied away from if you are fan of either ASOIAF and/or GoT.

I contend that Loras is just one indulger in a sea of affluent indulgence. The focus of Loras’ form of vice is no different or worse than anyone else’s. But there is not enough supporting story to include much more. He is a side character. There wasn’t more. They gave Loras a more important role. Not as gay cartoon character. As gay love character.

There are other gay male characters in GoT too. One is the High Septon prior to the High Sparrow. He breaks his vow of celibacy (probably safe to say again). Hardly a good gay man. Not someone who can serve as an example.

Another is Olyvar. Olyvar serves as a prostitute in one of Littlefinger’s King’s Landing brothels. It is not explicitly depicted but implied that Olyvar takes over the role that Ros served in the years prior. Running the brothels and all the prostitutes in it. But those duties as a manager are not really obvious.

Really no gay character is depicted in a fully positive light. That is in keeping with all characters in GoT. Very few characters are shown as all good or all bad. So is it wrong when gay characters fit that same mold?

Take the evidence making scene with Olyvar and Loras together. Isn't that just a relationship scene? Does it matter that it is a gay relationship? Also makes leeway in the debate about male nudity : . Even celebrities are in arms about it : .

            The problem is, male nudity and female nudity are depicted the same in the show but perceived very different. Female nudity is usually about breasts. So it is not actual nudity but rather toplessness that is at issue. When thinking about it equally; shouldn’t it be about the number of topless scenes for males? I bring up this point without knowing if male and female toplessness is equal. But as a viewer of the series; it seems like toplessness is pretty close.

Since there are very few vagina scenes in GoT as well or at least as far as I can remember. Sorry for the aside but this is a depiction of how these GoT points go. They are not based in what is really the issue; in my opinion.

             Getting back to at least the periphery of the topic; Loras is gay cartoon as much as Talisa was a Queen Cartoon. Talisa Maegyr is another substitute character. In ASOIAF Jeyne Westerling is Robb Stark’s wife and queen not Talisa. Jeyne is Robb’s personal caretaker. Talisa was established as a nurse for all forces fighting in the War of the 5 Kings. But does her profession somehow change from nurse to queen?

Once Talisa gets married; did the viewers ever see her in the field again? Where was the outrage about this issue? Heck her name was changed from ASOIAF to GoT. Talisa’s backstory was changed completely from Jeyne’s where they were not even from the same continent. So I ask; was Talisa a Queen Cartoon? If so; I don’t remember reading anything about that.

            So was Loras’ storyline any more perverted than Jeyne’s? Now viewers see the kind of sweet relationship moment was integral to the storyline. Loras with Renly. Loras with Olyvar. Loras as friend to Margaery. All these relationships are an important part of GoT story.

Seeing how the producers didn't want to stick with the ASOIAF reason for why Margaery is arrested. They made a change that in my opinion makes it more dramatic. The link between Loras and Margaery is more important than some lackeys. This way; the viewer has a connection to what is going on. Every aspect of the trial by the High Sparrow and Faith Militant is important to the viewer. If they brought in some extra who we don’t know, why do we care? This way was much more impactful.

Even if some viewers don’t agree.

 Has Loras’ storyline truly been perverted? Or is this just something that can be seen as a hotplate issue? How much screen time would he have gotten if it stuck to the ASOIAF storyline? Something tells me this is not a truly valid outrage.

It seems to me that Loras is the only gay character worth following in all the 7 kingdoms. Loras’ homosexuality is celebrated in a way that no other character's is. Everyone other gay character either had to hide or is a prostitute. Leaving Loras as a positive gay man in Westros. Maybe the only one.

More than that; Loras sets a good example for those in the “outside world”. Loras lives out and proud. No man outside a brothel does. Isn’t that a good thing?

        I don't count Oberyn in this. He is bisexual. He can hide behind the veil of his relationship with Ellaria Sand. Loras does not have that luxury. He doesn’t seem to want that luxury either.

            More remarkably; Loras gets little support for his lifestyle. Margaery and Olenna seemingly are his only support. And Margaery is the only one with him fulltime once she is introduced in season 2.

Everyone else seems to either snicker about Loras. Some are subtle about it. Others are outright disgusted like Stannis, Twyin and Joffrey. Either way; Loras had very few avenues to seek for support of the way he would like to live.

     No character or there depiction is perfect. There simply is not enough time. But seeing how B&W have cut so many characters; Loras could have been cut from this show very easily. But he is there. Showing an out and proud and mostly shirtless depiction of a gay man in Westros. A gay man who is not just out for pleasure or profit. Loras is a gay man who loves both his family and his chosen.

            Maybe I am out of touch. Maybe this depiction is not in the best interests of the gay community. I would not pretend to be the spokesperson. But there is so much positive coming from Loras’ depiction. His recent troubles are because of the small mindedness of the High Sparrow and Faith Militant.

            I hope that Loras can continue on as an out and proud gay knight of the realm. Hopefully something who can rejoice in ruling Highgarden in whatever way he sees fit. Very few people in the realm can be so carefree in the GoT. I hope Loras does not succumb to Valor Marghulis sooner. Maybe they can make something of this. I am counting on them doing just that.  

            Unfortunately as Ramsay Snow Bolton said, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.”

            Loras is a gay character. And that is perfectly OK. Unlike the many campy gay characters like Mad About You’s “Jack McFarland” or Scandal’s “Michael (no last name on the show, that is how little they have developed him but can assume it is Beane same as his forced husband which is so romantic)”  and other campy gay characters, Loras is serious. He is a knight. He is a lord. He has depth which has already been established. Now; he is living as he wants. Unfortunately for him that has ended up in prison which is not by his design. But there is still a story to be written here. Shall we see where it leads?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Game of Thrones Loras Tyrell Rant

-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Spoiler Alert-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

If you have not seen Game of Thrones TV show Season 5 Episode 6, first run aired on HBO on 17 May 2015; please do not read any further. If you do; you are polluting your experience with spoilers. What I have to say relates directly to the latest episode. Be warned. I am not reasonable for your actions beyond this point.

-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Spoiler Alert-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

And the thing that stuck out the most is that Loras is referred to as a gay cartoon. The real crux of the matter is; Loras is the only worthwhile gay character in the storyline right now.

       First I will do some disclaimers. I am not gay. I in no way speak for the gay community. I have very few friends none of which are gay. That is by circumstance not design. I do know gay people. I interact with gay people with no problem. I bear no ill will toward homosexuals or homosexuality. I don’t want to come off as something I am not hence this disclaimer

         Second disclaimer. I have not read one word of any of the books in the series A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF). I have read things on wikis which I acknowledge is not reliable. My main source for ASOIAF information is . I have heard things on podcasts and from other Game of Thrones (GoT) TV Series fans. But I don't have knowledge derived directly from the books. I don't plan on reading the books either. I am a TV series only fan. Once again this shows my perspective on this issue.

    Now that is out of the way; I have seen Loras in a completely different light than some. From the first season on he has shown his cunning. He has shown he is smart. He has shown he is an able fighter in battle. And hopefully I will show he has shown something more important that I will try and demonstrate throughout this post.

    He has shown he is willing to be a player in this Game of Thrones. How much of a player is he? Not too much. But he does not want a lot. He doesn’t want all the power. He wants something a lot simpler. Still Loras is in the game. Just as a strong pawn not a knight or rook. Of course keep in mind a pawn can win the game.

    As for his storyline's strength; I suspect Loras has more screen time in GoT then is warranted by his story in ASOIAF. Once again I have not read the books. But the producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (B&W) have made Loras into something more than his character in the books. As in ASOIAF, Loras is a pawn in this game the producers are playing too. Using him in ways that are important.

    We have seen plenty of characters get cut from GoT. Most of the Greyjoys. The Griffs, Young and Old. Countless others are cut and their importance (if any) is melded into other characters. Some storylines are cut all together since they don’t fit into the end game as George R.R. Martin has allowed B&W to craft. B&W are basically making GoT into fan fiction of ASOIAF. The books may have a lot of differing facts. We know that Sansa’s storyline is vastly different more than just being morphed into Jeyne Poole/Fake Arya’s fate. My point; plenty of characters don’t make the cut in GoT.

In the Tyrell family particularly; two older brothers are cut out of GoT. Willas the heir to Highgarden is not in GoT. Neither is Garlan who has more of a claim than Loras in ASOIAF. Loras is regarded as the heir to Highgarden in GoT. Assuming that Willas and Garlan simply do not exist. Doesn't that give Loras more stature from the start? I believe that the High Lord of the Reach has more importance in the storyline than his sexuality no matter how he is depicted on screen. Loras is there for a reason.

    Tywin and Olenna use Loras to maneuver their own positions in this Game of Thrones. That is only possible because he is the heir to Highgarden. Otherwise he is insignificant if he was a third son as he is in ASOIAF. I know this isn't direct screen time for Loras but it is equally important. He is not a POV character in ASOIAF so what happens to Loras is told through the eyes & words of others anyway. His worth is determined by what and how he is mentioned. Same here regarding Loras’ worth in GoT.

    Cersei has conversations about Loras with Tywin, Jaime and Tyrion when their own pending nuptials are discussed. Loras is interesting enough to be used in GoT as a pawn. Discussed by the Lannisters; one of the main families in the struggle. That seems more important than his sexuality.

    After the Battle of Blackwater; Loras really should have gone back to Highgarden. He wasn't needed to guard Margaery Tyrell singly. He does serve as loyal companion to Margaery. Also a "possible" suitor to Sansa after she is disregarded by Joffrey and before she is wed to Tyrion. I think his discussion with Sansa about a wedding is probably the most cartoonish depiction of Loras.

    Ultimately Loras stays in King's Landing because of Love. In fact, Loras is the manifestation of positive gay love in the show. Bear with me as I try to demonstrate what I mean.

            Loras stays with Queen Margaery because he loves her very much. Not like Jaime and Cersei Lannister’s sibling love. But Loras does want all the best for his sister. Loras does not seem to have any real ambition of his own. But he is always ready to help his loved ones fulfill their own ambitions. He will do the maximum to make sure that it happens. For Margaery; that means helping her become queen.

            Loras also loves Renly Baratheon. Loras encourages Renly to fulfill his maximize potential. Loras pushes Renly to make a claim to the throne. Loras forms the alliance with his family to back that claim.

            Well before the War of the 5 Kings; Loras loves Renly. Not just sexually. Loras feels a true affection for Renly. That is why he works so hard for him. Loras shows the audience a true and fundamental love between two men.

That is something that B&W could have easily skipped over. B&W could have treated gay sex as just sex. But Loras and Renly’s relationship forces Love into the equation. These two men Love each other. This is an important issue.

Keeping in mind; ASOIAF began in the 1990s. It was not popular to talk about gay sex back then. Less popular to talk about gay love. Now GoT can deal with that. Loras is the ongoing embodiment of both.

Now most gay characters are depicted as hedonists in other venues. Would that be so horrible here? Have Loras be depicted as the most important gay man in the realm. Wouldn’t there be some merit in that?

I say that in a realm that had so many vices on display. Littlefinger is famous and rich because of brothels. Tyrion is famous for going to brothels. Also famous for his drinking like his sister Cersei. The queen turned queen mother is famous for her own incest with her brother and debauchery with Lancel Lannister, Robert Baratheon and others. So vice is hardly something to be shied away from if you are fan of either ASOIAF and/or GoT.

I contend that Loras is just one indulger in a sea of affluent indulgence. The focus of Loras’ form of vice is no different or worse than anyone else’s. But there is not enough supporting story to include much more. He is a side character. There wasn’t more. They gave Loras a more important role. Not as gay cartoon character. As gay love character.

There are other gay male characters in GoT too. One is the High Septon prior to the High Sparrow. He breaks his vow of celibacy (probably safe to say again). Hardly a good gay man. Not someone who can serve as an example.

Another is Olyvar. Olyvar serves as a prostitute in one of Littlefinger’s King’s Landing brothels. It is not explicitly depicted but implied that Olyvar takes over the role that Ros served in the years prior. Running the brothels and all the prostitutes in it. But those duties as a manager are not really obvious.

Really no gay character is depicted in a fully positive light. That is in keeping with all characters in GoT. Very few characters are shown as all good or all bad. So is it wrong when gay characters fit that same mold?

Take the evidence making scene with Olyvar and Loras together. Isn't that just a relationship scene? Does it matter that it is a gay relationship? Also makes leeway in the debate about male nudity : . Even celebrities are in arms about it : .

            The problem is, male nudity and female nudity are depicted the same in the show but perceived very different. Female nudity is usually about breasts. So it is not actual nudity but rather toplessness that is at issue. When thinking about it equally; shouldn’t it be about the number of topless scenes for males? I bring up this point without knowing if male and female toplessness is equal. But as a viewer of the series; it seems like toplessness is pretty close.

Since there are very few vagina scenes in GoT as well or at least as far as I can remember. Sorry for the aside but this is a depiction of how these GoT points go. They are not based in what is really the issue; in my opinion.

             Getting back to at least the periphery of the topic; Loras is gay cartoon as much as Talisa was a Queen Cartoon. Talisa Maegyr is another substitute character. In ASOIAF Jeyne Westerling is Robb Stark’s wife and queen not Talisa. Jeyne is Robb’s personal caretaker. Talisa was established as a nurse for all forces fighting in the War of the 5 Kings. But does her profession somehow change from nurse to queen?

Once Talisa gets married; did the viewers ever see her in the field again? Where was the outrage about this issue? Heck her name was changed from ASOIAF to GoT. Talisa’s backstory was changed completely from Jeyne’s where they were not even from the same continent. So I ask; was Talisa a Queen Cartoon? If so; I don’t remember reading anything about that.

            So was Loras’ storyline any more perverted than Jeyne’s? Now viewers see the kind of sweet relationship moment was integral to the storyline. Loras with Renly. Loras with Olyvar. Loras as friend to Margaery. All these relationships are an important part of GoT story.

Seeing how the producers didn't want to stick with the ASOIAF reason for why Margaery is arrested. They made a change that in my opinion makes it more dramatic. The link between Loras and Margaery is more important than some lackeys. This way; the viewer has a connection to what is going on. Every aspect of the trial by the High Sparrow and Faith Militant is important to the viewer. If they brought in some extra who we don’t know, why do we care? This way was much more impactful.

Even if some viewers don’t agree.

 Has Loras’ storyline truly been perverted? Or is this just something that can be seen as a hotplate issue? How much screen time would he have gotten if it stuck to the ASOIAF storyline? Something tells me this is not a truly valid outrage.

It seems to me that Loras is the only gay character worth following in all the 7 kingdoms. Loras’ homosexuality is celebrated in a way that no other character's is. Everyone other gay character either had to hide or is a prostitute. Leaving Loras as a positive gay man in Westros. Maybe the only one.

More than that; Loras sets a good example for those in the “outside world”. Loras lives out and proud. No man outside a brothel does. Isn’t that a good thing?

        I don't count Oberyn in this. He is bisexual. He can hide behind the veil of his relationship with Ellaria Sand. Loras does not have that luxury. He doesn’t seem to want that luxury either.

            More remarkably; Loras gets little support for his lifestyle. Margaery and Olenna seemingly are his only support. And Margaery is the only one with him fulltime once she is introduced in season 2.

Everyone else seems to either snicker about Loras. Some are subtle about it. Others are outright disgusted like Stannis, Twyin and Joffrey. Either way; Loras had very few avenues to seek for support of the way he would like to live.

     No character or there depiction is perfect. There simply is not enough time. But seeing how B&W have cut so many characters; Loras could have been cut from this show very easily. But he is there. Showing an out and proud and mostly shirtless depiction of a gay man in Westros. A gay man who is not just out for pleasure or profit. Loras is a gay man who loves both his family and his chosen.

            Maybe I am out of touch. Maybe this depiction is not in the best interests of the gay community. I would not pretend to be the spokesperson. But there is so much positive coming from Loras’ depiction. His recent troubles are because of the small mindedness of the High Sparrow and Faith Militant.

            I hope that Loras can continue on as an out and proud gay knight of the realm. Hopefully something who can rejoice in ruling Highgarden in whatever way he sees fit. Very few people in the realm can be so carefree in the GoT. I hope Loras does not succumb to Valor Marghulis sooner. Maybe they can make something of this. I am counting on them doing just that.  

            Unfortunately as Ramsay Snow Bolton said, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.”

            Loras is a gay character. And that is perfectly OK. Unlike the many unworthy gay characters like Mad About You’s “Jack McFarland” or Scandal’s “Michael (no last name included)”  and other campy gay characters, Loras is serious. He is a knight. He is a lord. He has depth which has already been established. Now; he is living as he wants. Unfortunately for him that has ended up in prison which is not by his design. But there is still a story to be written here. Shall we see where it leads?

Monday, March 30, 2015

One More Boycott [well one for now at least]

            So I have named a few of my boycotts [Woody Allen, R Kelly, Roman Polanski]. I thought about another today. South Park. Specifically the TV show. I have seen the movie but only twice.  That is very few for me.

   and  was the opener of season 2. I had been waiting for the answer to the proposed question; who is Cartman’s father?

Instead I got a Terrance and Phillip cartoon. I guess this was supped to be funny? An April Fool’s joke I supposed? Was not funny to me but I am sure that the creators laughed their asses off. I just sat there annoyed. I figured at some point they would switch it to the real show. No dice.

            I never found out the real answer because I stopped watching the show. I haven’t watched since. Not even in syndication. Full ban.

            I easily could have read the answer online it by now. Would not even have to watch the show. Nope. Not gonna do it!

            Also to be clear; I have continued to watch Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s other endeavors. Orgazmo, Team America World Police and others. Basketball is one of the funnier movies that take little to understand and lots of my laughs. I haven’t been able to break clean.

            Hypocritical? Sure. At least a little bit. But that is where I draw the line. I was burned on their one property but not all of them.

            Heck if I get the chance to see House of Mormon I would!

            However, watching South Park itself is a whole other issue. For now; the ban continues.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

50 Shades of Grey Review- Spoilers so you better have read the book like I have

It was an entertaining film. I am surprised it was as precise to the book as it was. I was even more surprised how much I enjoyed it.

I am glad it got rid of some of the nonsense like ‘inner goddess’ and ‘long fingers’. Also silliness like no email or computer/desktop/laptop in the new millennium; which is ridiculous. At least here in America for a college student.

That is a direct result of not being Ana’s thoughts like the book. Getting rid of Ana’s narration did not change the film’s perspective because it focused on what is happening to Ana. Plus it would have been difficult to accomplish keeping Ana’s voice since, I believe, Dakota Johnson is in every scene. An additional commentary would have been overkill.

Dakota Johnson did a very good job being naïve which is what the character calls for. Ms. Johnson nailed the performance while still bringing sunshine to the role. Ms. Johnson is naïve without being stupid. I was fully engaged in learning all that I could about the character which was a fresh point of view. Plus her expressions more than told what she was thinking throughout the film. What she couldn’t say with her eyes, because she was blindfolded, she communicated with her body language. This is a high level of acting. Not just dialogue but also being able to convey a message with actions.

Christian is in fact all fifty shades of fucked up. His character is done well by Jamie Dornan almost as an anti-hero since we don’t see any of the other three villains in the trilogy. Not sure I really care why though he is that way though because Mr. Dornan is almost too standoffish. Ana is very likeable but Christian is mostly just a prick. Since there are no other physical villains (Mrs. Robinson is mentioned as are the 15 submissives in an impossibly short 6 years); Christian substitutes for the antagonist.

Some aspects of the story were sacrificed like her Seattle job which seems to have been written out completely. Since Ana is not rich like everyone else in the story that is a weird deletion. But they focus so much more on the love story.

These various plot points were probably sacrificed for factors like 1. time, 2. money saved since they didn’t need a full set that only would be used a few times this film but multiple times in the next two films also 3. provides flexibility to tell a better story with a wider audience in the sequels.

The opulence of the characters, scenery and story is missing from Jose Rodriguez. Jose is an oddball in this story. He truly does not fit. Moreover Jose didn’t have a chance with Ana sadly. Ana disregards him for years and is totally turned on by a rich guy. Equally though Jose seems to have squandered all his prior opportunities. Still it sucks so much to see that a regular guy like Jose does not even have a chance. While these circumstances are probably true to life it is sad to see nonetheless.

Kate was well played by Eloise Mumford. Still her role has been reduced here. The love story has pushed Kate out of Ana’s live. Just seems like a waste though since Ana’s best friend would/should probably play a bigger role in her life. Especially since they live together in two places. The other characters were truly background “flavor” to the tension between Ana and Christian. The main reason to lose the plot points; the focus was squarely on the relationship.

The sex scenes had sizzle. I was surprised and relieved that the ‘little grey=long finger’ did not make an appearance. But I am a guy and that is a basic guy response. The two main stars still managed plenty of story appropriate nudity. Viewers should be itching [or twitchy palmed -ha-ha] to try Safe, Sane, Consensual (SSC) or Risk-Aware Consensual Kink (RACK) play similar to what is in the film.

First they should know what those acronyms mean though.

And they need to know that nothing nearly as elaborate as the Red Room is needed to have some fun. I mean I have made a spreader bar out of PVC pipe and screw eyes. I think my True Value/Lowe’s/Home Depot bills was under $15 with velcro cuffs as well.

Sad that the negative aspects of impact play is what comes out in the film. As well as sadism masking as domination were still present. [Remember that Marquis de Sade spent half his adult life in prison].

However in real RACK/BDSM; safety is the first priority and make sure you know how to use what you are using. Before you use it. Read before you act.

Remember: Keep the scissors ready and handy.

And unbeknownst to crappy romance writers and most hardware worker; cable ties are horrible for restraint. This is why they aren’t used by law enforcement despite the economic advantages.

This movie is not instructional. Definitely not for BDSM; which is shown in its worst light. There are plenty of BDSM aspects which as harmful to participants. It is close to criminal for the “dominants” as well. It is not instructional. Anyone who is curious should consult the web before engaging in RACK.

Problem is it is even less instructional for relationships, since these two are non-functional and non-committal people. I mean neither of the main character has ever been in a relationship. Ana has barely if ever kissed a boy. Let alone a man who actually knows what a relationship is. And Christian has no idea what a real relationship is even though he was raised by two highly functionally and rich people. What? But honestly neither Ana nor Christian is ready for a relationship. Neither would understand would make it work. But off they go nonetheless.

Both Ana and Christian do a horrible job at being intimate. Essentially this is the first for both to this level of intimacy seeing how both are not used to working with another person. Christian’s obsessive behavior is the oil to Ana’s naivety which is the water.

The ending was appropriate and close to the book ending. But daring. I will be interested to see if they will make the entire trilogy and take the chance to improve on the trilogy’s nonsensical ending.

There are ridiculous stories coming out. Like this one:

I mean; the level and amount of sex goes down markedly throughout the series. These reports make Amelia Warner seem not as smart as the casual reader [which I doubt]. Because not only does the amount of sex decrease for the sequels but also the movie had a lot less sex than the book had.

But after Charlie Hunnam backed out of the original, I cannot see how the producers signed anyone on without a contract for the sequels.

Just a short aside; I do not think that either Matthew Bomer or Alexis Bledel ever [EVER] tried to get either of the main roles. First off, they are both far too old for either role. And no one has proof either of them wanted to be in this film. Yes, shocker; although the internet wants something that doesn’t mean it will actually happen. So sad.

OK, I have gone a little tangent to the real review. I enjoyed the film. I look forward to DVD release. I look forward to seeing it again but not likely in a movie theater.

Good Start. Let us see what develops from here. E.L. James; your move Madam.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Church of Lazlo discussing 50 Shades and Lazlo's Dominance comes out

            96.5 FM “The Buzz” out of Kansas City, Kansas is an alternative radio station that plays alternative and "before it is pop" music from the 1990s to today's newest sounds. The best show on the station is The Church of Lazlo on from 3 to 7 pm Central. The strength of the show is the eponymous host who lives his life on the radio. Along with his sidekick Slimfast aka Ding-Dong and their producer Meredith whose lives also end up as topics on the show. Politics, news, sports, movies, music, producer pregnancy and so many other issues are likely topics for the show.  

            Sex is a very popular topic on the show. The host and Slimfast have detailed their love of strip clubs, male to female transsexuals and women who wear stockings. Meredith has chipped in with her love of Monster Porn.

            But it also seems that Lazlo and Meredith also share a love for BDSM. Listen to the third clip on this podcast page:

    They discuss 50 Shades; which I have on this blog many times. [I already have tickets for Saturday 14 February 2015 so I will discuss it more, rest assured.] Here is one of many stories about the particular hardware store named B&Q which is in the United Kingdom: . I have heard they have a robust DIY section.

The surprise to me is the way that Lazlo talks about it. I never heard him discuss it before. Granted; I don't "listen longer" and only here about 10% of their stuff because I haven't lived in KC area in 3 years and have to listen online and would still need to listen longer.

    Anyway, there were three jewels in the podcast:

MY favorite part was at 6:40:

Lazlo: If I came over to your house with all the things I just said and said we are about to party and had popcorn.

Meredith: I said “OK. This way. Right this way.” [exactly the right thing to say]

MY 2nd favorite part was at 7:49:

Lazlo: I am going to need a can of stainless steel cleaner because we are going to get messy

Meredith: GOOD GOD! [almost orgasmically!]

MY 3rd favorite part was at 6:20:

Lazlo: I am going to need a car battery, a small generator AND your undivided attention. These are the things I need.

Meredith: YES!

            Slimfast doesn’t get it. He is really frustrated. Because he “wants to be a part of this”. He just doesn’t get it. Not at all. Like lots of guys. The movie might actually help him.

            At one point; Meredith says she doesn’t want to talk about it. Just do it.
