Monday, November 12, 2012

More Boycotts

R. Kelly

            I know that he has beaten the case against him. He went to court and won. And yet, I still believe he urinated on that girl.

I believe it so much that when R. Kelly came on the radio, I would change the channel. Not just in my own car but in other peoples’ as well. I don’t ask, I just change it. I just don’t like him.  

The truly hypocritical part of this is, I still listen to Michael Jackson. The circumstances are the same. But I let Michael Jackson off like s Smooth Criminal. All the while pushing R. Kelly back in closet.

My boycotts are not consistent. They may not be fair. But they are mine. And I am keeping the flame on this one burning.


Chris Brown

            He is despicable. Not only for what he did to Rihanna. That is enough to warrant a boycott.

But also, has no integrity with his music. He changed his lyrics to “Forever On The Dance Floor” to get marketing money from Double Mint Gum. No more to say, Chris Brown SUCKS!


Michael Fassbender [on the fence  - need more information]

            I had never heard that one. The first things I found don’t convince me. I understand things can happen. But this isn’t old Hollywood. She could file now and get a big bank. Why not? I am not sure I believe this.

            Not because I believe that all stars are good. When reports that Christian Bale came out, I believed them. Even before the audio. But the audio helped, that is for sure.

            I understand people who are in love can be convinced of many things. That abused people can be convinced of many things as well. But at this point, if this was true, she should press charges and clear things up on.           


Morgan Freeman [no boycott]

            Nothing has been shown that Morgan Freeman did anything other than take his step-granddaughter E’Dena Hines to movie premieres with him.

Here is a picture of Jeremy Piven walking with his Mom. Are they too hot and heavy get dressed up? No. They are regular people doing what looks like shopping and having coffee.

            They has never been nor is there no evidence that they were ever involved. Definitely nothing that they are engaged as was also erroneously reported. I am  sure it was some blogger who used twitter to make this claim. But I am willing to say that one is false.

            I am going to just chalk this up to trying to make a story where there is none. It is sad. But that is where media is these days. Lots of people comment and it gets picked up. During “Super Storm” Sandy it was reported that water was in Wall Street. It was even picked up by CNN. Ridiculous.

            News Reporters are more like gossips these days. That is why my boycotts are just based on truth. They are also based on my own biases. I will admit to that.

            But just like I am free not to see Altman’s movies when there is truth to be spread, I will. If Altman is so good at telling a story, when he is talking about a person, don’t say that Americans are full of it. Say Bush is full of it. I have no tolerance for stuff like that. It is how prejudices get spread. Tolerance of stereotypes being passed from the trait of one person to all persons like her or him is exactly how prejudices are started. And I not tolerant of it.

            There are plenty of people who don’t like me or my opinions. But I make my opinions known. I talk about it. If you disagree, fine. It is an opinion. I am not asking for acceptance in any way.

Modern Erotic Trilogies: To/In/With You and 50 Shades

           Despite the fact that lots of people and groups should be mad about the books; [women over 22, women who can’t orgasm, virgins, the entire BDSM community, mothers, fathers, I could go on] The 50 Shades trilogy have done increasing well. I am referring to 50 Shades: of Grey, Darker and Released. These books have made a serious amount of buzz and money for E.L. James.

I will admit to having read all three. I will go so far as to say, before I read the first one, I was very excited to read them. E.L. James did a nice job of fan fiction. Although overall; I did not enjoy any of the books. None of them can stand alone as good writing. Overall I was disappointed by the series as flat and poorly written.

This is mostly because I expected a very good story. Moreover, I expected a VERY sexy story. One that brought a good sex story into characters that are somewhat familiar. I was very let down. The sex was horrible. In the end, the guy has to give up his desires. Not sure what either character comes away from it with. Many people have said how much love Ana and Christian have for each other. But Ana just gets Christian to change for her. That isn’t love. That is simple compliance. And Christian is obsessed with Ana which once again is not love.

There is a book out that is more satisfying in its storyline. Mostly because the characters are slightly more realistic [by slightly I mean very slightly]. But we are not talking Sex and The City vs. Girls type of realism. Just an adjustment of some of the outlandish things.

The book I am referring to is ‘Bared To You’ by Silvia Day. The book is a very adult and very hot. It is the first in a trilogy. The next two are scheduled for release within the next six months. The second book is now out and I am working my way through it.  

It clears up the unrealistic parts of 50 that I won’t give away. But the ‘To/In/With You’ series hopefully will stay in the realm of ‘Super-Rich” but possible. So far, it is pushing the limits of what normal people have access to. It would be nice to see something more realistic but C’est La Vie.

Still these two trilogies will have so many comparisons that it might get lost in the genre of ‘HardCore Adult’/Erotica that has been marginalized to ‘Mommy Porn’ because of their appeal to women and the main characters of both as females.

But both have very similar aspects as apparent below:

50 Shades
To You
Anastasia ‘Ana’ Rose Steele
YOUNG female main character [only child to birth mother and father]
Eva Trammel
Christian Grey
Insanely Rich male main character
Gideon Cross
Ivy League School male lead dropped out of to start company
Kathryn Kavanaugh
Promiscuous Best friend
Cary Taylor
Leila Williams
Pining Ex-girlfreind of the male character who married someone else
Corrine Giroux
Carla May Wilks Adams
Worrying mother of female
Monica Stanton
Franklin Lambert
Absent birth father of female
Victor Reyes
Robbin (Bob) Adams
Newest Step Father (of 3)
Richard Stanton
Driver of the male character
Elliot Grey
Promiscuous Brother of the male lead
Christopher Vidal Junior
Mia Grey
Younger sister of the male lead
Ireland Vidal
Elena Lincoln
Disillusioned Female Stalker of male main character
Magdalene Perez
Young Brunettes
Type of woman the male lead likes
Young Brunettes


I am pulling for Silvia Day because I like her more frank addressing of the issues. Specifically the way she addresses sex. That doesn’t mean I agree totally with her story. But honestly, I think it is more realistic. The underlying reason for their actions actually make some sense.

            This does stand to reason. Silvia Day is a military veteran like me. So I would be drawn more to her. As opposed to E.L. James who is British and I am not sure specifically what she does but it is something to do with TV in the UK.

            The really deflating thing was, after reading Bared To You, I saw that Silvia Day acknowledges E.L. James. That makes me much more suspect of the similarities to the book.

            Silvia Day has said that her book Seven Years to Sin inspired Eva and Gideon. But I am not really sure how having read both. One is about immediate gratification and the other is about long term pinning. Eva and Gideon are much closer to Ana and Christian than Jessica and Alastair. That is just my opinion.

            In all honesty, Seven Years To Sin has a much hotter two characters in Hester and Michael. But that is a whole other story. And a much hotter one!

            The good thing is, there are lots of holes that still need to be filled in for the ‘To/In/With You’ series. I am hoping that Silvia Day goes in a different direction that shows why we should enjoy these characters she is building in Eva and Gideon. And I really hope Silvia Day “keeps it real”.

            As I begin the second book, Reflected In You; I am hopeful that this story is more realistic in figuring the ins and outs of a relationship. All relationships are complicated adding money is not a specially complicating factor. So why make the super rich sympathetic? Millionaires are tortured for the reasons that they themselves control. I could say more but it would give away the plotline. I am hopeful Silvia Day does a better job at addressing this disparity it than E.L. James did.  Because just having to give up something you enjoy is not healthy a healthy relationship message for anyone: male, female, rich, poor, any race, color or creed.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


            I mentioned in the other post that I have boycotts. Here are some of them.

Woody Allen: He married his partner’s daughter who is also his son’s sister. While Soon Yi Previn isn’t Woody’s child either biologically or adopted; I cannot believe he didn’t something to do with raising her. It is wrong of him to do it. I realize that Soon Yi has every right to marry whomever she chooses. Fine enough. But she made movies, I wouldn’t watch her’s either.

Roman Polanski: He ran from a rape charge. He is a coward. Why not just do the time? He did something wrong. Face up to it.

            I realize the girl he raped is an adult, has forgiven him and doesn’t think he should face jail time. Honestly, it isn’t up to her. Why? Because no one should be able to rape someone else. It is wrong. He should face the consequences.

            I think have other boycotts. I can’t think of them at this time. Obviously I didn’t put a lot into this post. Because honestly, the people in this list don’t deserve my time. And I am not going to put my money towards their projects.

It is Hard to like Sex in America

            I like to think of myself as sex positive. Something things might seem like I am way too strict about. Like my boycotts. And my stance on chromosomes.

            I like sex. I would like to think most people who know me would agree. I want to enjoy sex more and more.

            I also like porn. These can be mutually exclusive. For me, I like both. I don’t need porn. I have plenty of good sex without. It is another, separate like that I have. One can be incorporated with the other so I like to mixed them too.

            Opponents of porn often point to the way that lives are ruined. But the first way that lives are ruined is from judgment by small minded people. That is definitely the most prevalent and lasting way that anyone’s live can be ruined. So the small minded ways of others are the first way to ruin another person.

            Some people point towards drug use in the porn industry. I am not going to deny that usage. But I will point out that industries that are far bigger and more prominent have much bigger problems.

            Very few advocates against porn can actually name an actor or actress that drugs actually affected though. That is like if you ask a believer about the inconsistencies in their holy book, their response to you might be, “Where? What inconsistences?” To which the non-believer should retort, “If you don’t know about them, you should study your holy book a lot closer.” The believer wants to put their head in the sand and not truly know why they should be both for and against something. But that is neither here nor there.

            I will give as an example the difference between the deaths of Kurt Cobain and Shannon Whirry better known as Savannah. Both of these people were tortured artist who died in drug related incidents. Cobain committed suicide using a gun. Savannah committed a form of suicide dying in a car accident. Both had drugs in their system when they died.

            So which is the bigger threat? I would think the music industry which is all over the place. Radio. TV Shows. Music Videos. Why aren’t there strong voices against music?

            Some people will say this is a flawed argument. But this analogy is direct. Mostly because it is not an industry that destroys people. People destroy themselves.

            The big wigs, swells or management that run Porn want to have healthy and active stars. That way they make more money. They don’t want people to die any more than the music industry wants to have the ‘27 club’.

            What would really help is something that helps the artists deal with their issues. So they can make their respective art for longer. Programs that can help people deal with the things going on in their lives. Not just addiction. But the feeling of fame being truly empty. The way they have to question friendships and relationships. There has to be a way to help them deal with all that stuff. [Look at me talking as if I know what it is like.]

            Another thing that opponents will point to is STDs. But there have been very few STD outbreaks in the porn company. Much smaller than in the regular community of people. I am more than willing to bet that both in percentage and aggregate, the number of infected people in porn is way less then in normal life.

            Which leads back to simply being more vigilant about preventing STDs. For everyone. That way everyone is safer.

            I wish there were more sex positive people out there. I wish therapists would not demonize people for their sexual desires. Have a way to deal with the oversexed partner. Especially if they have similar sex drives in the past.

            I am kind of rambling here. I had this thought in my head. I had to get it out. Even if it is incomplete. I just can’t have it rattling around in there. This is far from a complete argument. It is just kind of random ramblings I am putting out there.

I just wish Sex Positive people could all be less worried about being sex positive. Enjoy more sex. Enjoy Better Sex. Everyone should be happy with that, I would think. But, not so much.

            Here’s you those out there that like sex. We need more sex positive people.